Need a apartment cleaning service in the Galleria Area?
Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Do you have a business that needs your corporate apartment cleaned? Are you just tired from your work schedule? You come home to a dirty apartment. Dirty home makes you feel less than your best. I know a great service that cleans my apartment for a fair price and they are consistent, professional and through Maid Service is the company I am talking about. I logged on their website at Click on get a free estimate, and see if the service my area, go to step 2. Then fill out my information and with few hours presto got my weekly estimate to get my life back on track. They sent me an email with my prices. I like the price and I call them over the phone with a credit card number. The charge my card 1st and book my appointment and send two experts to clean my apartment with no hassles. They emailed me a receipt and appointment confirmation all through email. Wow, they are the only company that does this. I request they get a key from the leasing office for the day of the cleaning. I wake up and turn my ac down like the requested and I pick up my place and declutter a little. I go to work like usual. The team from Maid Service comes in and scrubs my place back into shape. When I got home it smells clean and my place feels so clean like when I first moved in. You can have the same experience with an honest, professional, maid service. Log on today to get your apartment cleaned in Houston, TX. maid service also has extras they can do for every once and a while jobs.