How to clean stainless steel appliances in your home. Cleaner VS Polisher

Stainless steel appliances are very beautiful but very hard to keep clean and they are so many cleaners or polishers. We are going to find out what works the best and which one lasts the longest between cleanings. I don't know about you I have been so frustrated when it comes to finding what works. So cleaning the stainless steel or do you use polish it that is the question we are going to find out. I love to use a 409 type of degreaser or simply green, green works, Windex multi-surface product 1st on the steel. Then I like to polish with WD40 sounds funny but it works like a dream. In my opinion, have used in past products Weiman, Zep, Magic, Hope's Perfect Sink, Method, and other over prices products that live under the kitchen sink area in your home.
I wish I could tell you there is a perfect cleaning product company for every cleaning problem out there, but that's not real. Most of it is all marketing telling you in so many ways their products works or their brand works for all your cleaning needs. I am sorry to tell you its great marketing period. Products that work get pushed down and it not popular anymore. So getting back to what works on all types of stainless steel appliances are two WD40 and Scott's Liquid Gold. I have been very happy with these two products. For green cleaning, you can use mineral oil remember to buff out. Also, I will add about cooking oils like olive oil, grape seed oil its food and bugs might be attracted to it. I don't do bugs.
I always use microfiber rags not cotton or paper towels. You need to invest in good cleaning equipment if you are going to take on DIY cleaning your home. If you don't have time cleaning your home I would suggest in hiring professional cleaning services in your local area. Still, need help cleaning your house in Houston, TX? Let the cleaning experts at Maid Service help you! Best house cleaning service company?
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